April 2, 2023

Running Drupal on AWS: Benefits, Best Practices, and Cheppers' Expertise

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Tassy János
Cloud Engineer

Discover the benefits of running Drupal on AWS. Learn best practices for setting up and managing a Drupal environment in the cloud.

Drupal website using AWS cloud services for scalability, reliability, and security with Cheppers' expert guidance

Drupal is an open-source content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites and applications, from personal blogs to large enterprise platforms. With its modular design and flexibility, Drupal allows users to easily create and manage complex websites and online applications. For large enterprises with high traffic and complex requirements, Drupal can be an ideal solution due to its scalability, robust security features, and ability to handle multiple content types.

Running Drupal on AWS provides additional benefits, including access to scalable and reliable cloud resources, easy deployment and management through managed services, and the ability to quickly scale resources up or down as needed to meet changing demands. In this blog post series, we'll explore the benefits of running Drupal on managed AWS cloud services and discuss best practices for setting up and maintaining a Drupal environment on AWS.

Organizations of all sizes can benefit from running Drupal on AWS, particularly those with high traffic and complex needs. Large enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions are among those who often use Drupal to power their websites and online applications. With AWS, these organizations can take advantage of a range of managed services, including Amazon RDS for scalable and high-performance databases, Amazon EC2 for flexible and scalable compute resources, and Amazon CloudFront for fast and secure content delivery.

Running Drupal on AWS also offers the ability to easily scale resources up or down as needed, which can be particularly useful during periods of high traffic or when deploying new features or applications. Overall, running Drupal on AWS provides a secure, reliable, and scalable environment for managing and delivering digital content and services to users.

At Cheppers, we are a cloud and web consultancy company with extensive experience in Drupal development and AWS cloud service consultancy. We specialize in developing and operating high-traffic, complex Drupal applications on AWS cloud services. Our team has seen firsthand the benefits of running Drupal on AWS, and we're excited to share our knowledge and best practices with the community through our blog post series.

Our goal is to help other organizations realize the full potential of Drupal on AWS and to provide guidance on how to set up and manage a Drupal environment in the cloud. Whether you're new to Drupal or AWS, or you're an experienced user looking to optimize your environment, we believe our blog post series will offer valuable insights and tips to help you succeed. We’re going to discuss the pros and cons of various architectures for hosting a Drupal-based web application on AWS, talk about scaling and CI/CD, go into and resolve issues that will come up in a cloud-based environment and suggest ways to improve performance, reliability and scalability.

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