December 29, 2013

Global Sprint Weekend January 25 and 26 2014

Author photo
Cheppers Zrt.

Global Sprint Weekend is a worldwide event you can participate in. Small local sprints in lots of locations, over the same time period: Saturday and Sunday January 25 and 26, 2014. These sprints will usually be 2-15 people in one location, together, working to make Drupal better.

 Global Sprint Weekend January 25 and 26 2014

You can make your own locations if no location is near you! Currently people have announced locations in Sevilla Spain; Berlin, Mannheim and Schwerin Germany; Ghent Belgium; Budapest Hungary (hosted at Cheppers and led by Gábor Hojtsy); Manchester UK; Vancouver, London (Ontario) and Montréal Canada; Oak Park, Chicago, Milwaukee, Boston, Minneapolis and Austin USA.

I'll be in the USA at the Oak Park (location needed still) and Chicago (at Promet) sprints. :)


Drupical shows a map of locations that have created a sprint event. (Be sure to create a sprint event so a location you are going to has a pin on the map.)



The Drupal Global Sprint Weekend wiki page lists more information and is editable by anyone with a account.

Start by checking there for a location near you. It is the most up-to-date list of locations.

Find a group of folks near you by searching for Drupal on or looking for geographical group on Talk to people in the group about planning a sprint in your location.

Small sprints are easy to plan and host

  1. Find a location with good wifi (maybe a local web shop, library or cafe), pick which day (or both Saturday and Sunday), and edit the wiki signing up.
  2. Make a sprint event on (so it shows up on the g.d.o calendar, in your local group, and on
  3. (optional) Tweet about the sprint with the hash tag #SprintWeekend.
  4. (optional) Blog about it! Announce it at meetups! In general, tell everyone. :)
  5. (optional) Ask early to find a sponsor for lunch
  6. (optional, but really nice) Planning: pick a few issues, or tasks within issues, that are easily doable in a very short time. Think of 30 minutes or less. It is really nice to start out the day by doing a small task, and having a small success, and then later in the day tackling harder things. People have trouble picking out tasks for themselves. If there is a short list of doable tasks picked in a couple days in advance, this is really helpful.
  7. Planning: tables. Verify there will be big round or rectangular tables with chairs. It is nice when people sit in groups and work in pairs.
  8. Planning/on the day: power strips. Verify there will be lots of outlets, grab a couple power strips of your own, or ask someone to bring some. (Label them so you know whose is whose.)
  9. On the day: lunch. Order in lunch. You can bill your sponsor later, or everyone can pay their own off and order off a take-out menu. (Eating in is good. When people leave, the momentum and time is lost.)
  10. On the day: signs. On a big paper taped to the wall, or on a whiteboard, write things down like: wifi network and password, a link to a google doc for the task list, write down participant d.o names and real names, links to helpful docs or answers to common questions people ask.

Working together

You will not be alone. During planning or during the sprint, tweet out with #SprintWeekend or at me @YesCT with any questions. Join #drupal or #drupal-contribute in and ping me YesCT or ask the room in general any questions you have. Really. People are nice. Ask any question, wait a bit, and someone might give an answer. :) Follow @drupalmentoring to see resources announced that might be helpful for people mentoring.

"See" you there. :) - YesCT


January Events

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Cheppers was involved in two of the 39 Drupal Global Sprint Weekend locations over January 25, 2014 and January 26, 2014.